sexta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2015

Metaflop your font

Metaflop is an open-source web application for modulating your own fonts.
Have a nice and creative weekend!

quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2015


Aprecio sempre o que se distingue pelo design, pelo detalhe e pela inovação.
Tive um desses momentos agradáveis ontem quando me apercebi que estava um objeto diferente à minha frente enquanto almoçava. Era um vaso, aliás era um Vazu. Calma, não me apercebi logo, porque não tinha flores dentro...

Criado por designers de Israel, o Vazu, quando ainda está dentro da embalagem, tem a espessura de uma folha plana e basta adicionar água para ganhar a forma de um vaso de flores. São vinte modelos com estampas diversas, em três formatos e tamanhos diferentes.

Eco-friendly, é todo feito de camadas de polietileno e materiais reciclados. Não quebra, não arranha, é lavável e reutilizável.

(Custa por volta de 50R$)


sexta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2015

"What is branding?"

With over 6,400 books written on branding, the subject has gotten complex. Yet simplicity is where the power exists. 

This video was conceived, written and narrated by award-winning designer, branding specialist and Fast Company blogger David Brier to distill branding down to its basics answering that basic question "What is branding?" (from )

Written plainly with equally minimalistic motion graphics, this video unveils the magic, the spark and the simplicity that is branding in its most fundamental form. Perfect for entrepreneurs, CEOs, innovators, rebels and disruptors of any kind. Motion graphics by the talented Saar Oz. 

"As creators, we want to think it’s about us, our brilliant talent, our skills we’ve perfected over the years... "

quarta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2015

"Chocolatexture" made in Japan by Nendo

"In coming up with a new chocolate concept, we turned out attention not to such factors, but to the chocolate’s “shape.”
The 9 different types of chocolate are made within the same size, 26x26x26mm, 
featuring pointed tips, hollow interiors, smooth or rough surface textures–
and, while the raw materials are identical, the distinctive textures create different tastes.
Each chocolate is directly named after Japanese expressions used to describe texture.
1. “tubu-tubu” Chunks of smaller chocolate drops. 
2. “sube-sube” Smooth edges and corners.
3. “zara-zara” Granular like a file.
4. “toge-toge” Sharp pointed tips.
5. “goro-goro” Fourteen connected small cubes.
6. “fuwa-fuwa” Soft and airy with many tiny holes.
7. “poki-poki” A cube frame made of chocolate sticks.
8. “suka-suka” A hollow cube with thin walls.
9. “zaku-zaku” Alternately placed thin chocolate rods forming a cube."

Photo Invasion by Lucas Levitan

Lucas Levitan is a brazilian artist based in London.
Photo Invasion is his Instagram project: "I hunt for images and add my illustrative touch."
Just brilliant and I love it.